Consciousness: Although, no one can say for sure what consciousness is, I see it as the gap between two thoughts, where we can experience the life we know, as well as what we cannot explain. It is the energy within when we quiet our mind and go deeper than our daily human experience. We are being instead of doing. We are connected to our true self, beyond ego, in the presence of something sacred.
Superconscious Mind: The Wiser Self or Higher Self, or Soul. Our connection to intuition comes from the Superconscious. It is your Superconscious that sees the big picture, guides you in making sure that your goals are safe, and appropriate in the context of your life’s purpose. Like a caring teacher; it watches over your development. Any effort to spiritually expand your consciousness creates an important bridge between spirituality and psychology. PSYCH-K provides a format that blends the two ways of seeing life.
Conscious Mind: The conscious Mind is our choice/decision-making mind. It sets goals and judges each result. Sometimes, all that is necessary to change a belief is to become consciously aware, and have a strong desire to have a new belief in its place.
Subconscious Mind: The subconscious mind is our habitual mind. It monitors the operation of the body’s motor functions, heart rate, and digestion to name a few. It holds our long-term memories, past experiences, attitudes, values and beliefs. It only knows the world through the five senses: visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (feeling), gustatory (tasting), and olfactory (smelling). That’s why the most successful communication with the subconscious is achieved by using one or more of these senses. During a PSYCH-K session, I often use a process that engages the first three of the five senses, to create a change you want to see in the future.
Unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious mind thinks literally, rather than abstractly. Choosing to repeat an affirmation, such as “I am worthy,” which is an abstract statement to the subconscious mind, is often not enough to create a lasting change in your belief system. Let’s say you want to change the energy of a past event or create a future event. You will need to define that energy into the language of the five senses, then your subconscious will be able to incorporate a new meaning to a past, present or future event.
Integrating the Three Minds: A good student seeks to master the knowledge gained from a teacher. In the same way, your conscious mind needs to learn how to integrate the wisdom of the Superconscious mind with the subconscious mind to develop what is called a unified consciousness. Once you enter this highly aware state, the best possible action becomes automatic, an act of will and an intuition all in one.
Neuro-Science and Split-Brain Research: In the last thirty years scientists have discovered what is called “Brain Dominance” Theory, (also known as split-brain research). The findings of this research indicate that each hemisphere of the cerebral cortex tends to specialize in and preside over different functions, process different kinds of information and deal with different memories.
Left Brain: Logical, Analytical & Reasoning Thinks in words
Time bound, extroverted Orderly and controlled
Right Brain: Emotional, Intuitive, Creative Thinks in pictures
Time free, introverted
Spontaneous and free
Life experiences, especially traumatic ones, often trigger a dominance of one side over the other when responding to situations that resemble an emotional event from the past. Although we
naturally operate both sides of the brain simultaneously, the more emotionally charged an experience, the more likely we will automatically over-identify with just one hemisphere of the brain when we’re faced with similar life experiences.
“The major problem is that people are aware of their conscious beliefs and behaviors, but not of subconscious beliefs and behaviors. Your subconscious beliefs are working either for you or against you, but the truth is that you are not controlling your life because your subconscious mind supersedes all conscious control.” ~ Dr. Bruce Lipton-author of “The Biology of Belief"
PSYCH-K goes beyond affirmations, will power and positive thinking. It is our beliefs that determine our behavior. The most effective way to change a behavior is to change the belief that supports it. Using muscle testing to communicate with the subconscious mind, we establish a connection, in order to change a present negative belief into a belief that is supportive and creates the positive results you choose. A PSYCH-K balance is a process designed to create a Whole-Brain State, which is ideal for reprogramming the mind with new life-enhancing beliefs, reducing unwanted stress and helping you access your full potential.
Muscle Testing: Applied Kinesiology, or muscle testing is an easy way to communicate directly with the subconscious mind to discover self-sabotaging beliefs. The subconscious mind controls the autonomic nervous system and is responsible for our neurological functions. When we choose to move our bodies, it is the subconscious mind that directs our movements. When the mind is thinking a stressful thought, an electrical conflict is created in the brain and the signal strength to the body is reduced, which results in a weak muscle response. During a PSYCH-K Session, communication is established by using muscle testing to identify true and false statements held in the subconscious. As I facilitate, there is no question as to what the client believes about a statement. A true statement creates a strong muscle response and a false statement creates a weak response.
Whole Brain State: Research shows that PSYCH-K creates a Whole Brain State, which in turn acts as a kind of “gateway to higher consciousness,” elevating your ability to think clearly at new levels of functionality and creativity. Psych-K increases the “cross talk” between your two brain hemispheres resulting in whole-brain integration.
Surrogation: A process that creates a kind of energy link between the Superconscious minds of the facilitator and the client. Permission protocols are used before this work is done to ensure a safe, respectful, and noninvasive interaction between the facilitator (the surrogate) and the recipient. It is a bit like making a cell phone call between two Superconscious minds. There is never an agenda; only an intention for the highest wellbeing of both parties throughout the session. As a facilitator, whether I am working with a client in person or working at a distance on their behalf, permission for muscle testing is done to ensure proper communication with a client’s subconscious beliefs.
Aligning Thought and Actions: PSYCH-K provides a variety of safe ways to “rewrite the software of your mind” by changing beliefs that limit you, into beliefs that support you... simply and easily!
Balance to Transform Trauma or Distress: This balance may be used to transform painful childhood events that continue to cause trauma or anxiety. If the desire is to heal a painful memory and remove emotional triggers, we do so in an experiential process, in order to create new meaning in a Whole Brain State. It can be beneficial for any past, present or future event that is causing fear, anxiety or lack of movement in your life. It is also a wonderful process in truly putting your past behind you!
Belief Statements to Create a New Belief or Goal: A variety of balances are available to change a self- limiting belief or self-sabotaging behavior into a positive belief or behavior that you would rather experience. Once communication is established through the process of muscle testing, a clear intention is created to bring about a desired change in a 'Whole Brain State'.
Core Belief Balance: The Core Belief Balance discovers and changes ‘core beliefs’ that may be blocking you from achieving your desired goals. There are thirteen pairs of belief statements that represent such basic, vital issues as self-love, forgiveness, and your personal connection to Divine Intelligence. In facilitating with a client’s Superconscious and Subconscious mind through the surrogation process, long held self-limiting beliefs are identified and balanced, and are replaced with self-enhancing beliefs.
The results of a balance may be felt immediately or it may evolve over time, depending on the type of goal you are working on. Some things just take longer to manifest. It is important to note that, in addition to balancing, you must take action towards creating the results you want in your life. If, for example, you were to balance for confidence in building a business that is lucrative and fulfilling, you would need to engage in activities that build a successful business. Product development, marketing, and networking would be necessary in achieving your goal.
Another example might be balancing for a health-related issue. While balancing will help to reduce the stress and inner conflict that may be supporting the presence of the dis-ease in your body, it is still important to take all the appropriate physical steps to help the body to heal itself. e.g. medical treatment, diet, exercise, or rest.
The clarity and meaningfulness of your balances are more important in making significant changes in your life than the number of balances you do. Quality is more important than quantity. Potential plus action equals results.
Balances seem to last until they are no longer useful to the subconscious mind, or until you decide to balance for a new goal. Life is an evolutionary process, so what you balance for at one point in your life may be inappropriate at another time.
Life itself will remind you when it is time to change some aspect of your reality. Unfortunately, the reminder often takes the form of trauma or other emotionally charged situations in order to get your attention. PSYCH-K enables you to consciously direct key changes in your life with ease and flexibility.
In the event you find yourself re-creating behaviors or thoughts that you previously balanced to change, it is useful to ask yourself, " What benefit do I gain from the old thoughts or behaviors?" When this question is considered openly and honestly, the result is usually very revealing. You may wish to do another balance that takes into account the 'secondary gain benefits', which resulted in the manifestation of the old behaviors or situation.